Georgiana Johnson has been practicing Energy Bodywork for 30+ years in Central Florida. An active teacher and practitioner, her office is located in Winter Park / Orlando, Florida.
Family Friday : Tracing 8s
Energy practices can help us maintain or reclaim our Well-being, Life Enjoyment and Vitality. These practices calm the body and mind, regulating the nervous system, and the body's natural wisdom brings about changes to support wholeness.
What is this Energy thing? Western science agrees that at our core we are energy. We speak of energy -- "Wow -- he has a lot of energy!" or perhaps "I don't have any energy today. I want to sleep." We are taught that resting well, eating well, playing and working well will provide us with balance, yet many people are struggling. The missing component -- perhaps -- is working directly with our energetic component. Qi Consciousness, in Orlando Florida , offers assistance with energy balancing through community and private classes, presentations, lunch 'n learns, corporate wellness classes, and individual Reiki, Craniosacral Fascial, Qigong, and Eden Method sessions. These practices and concepts support and enhance the biofield (energy within and surrounding the body). Working with Qi (chee) or Ki (key) -- often defined as life force energy -- these integrative, complementary therapies focus on relaxation, pain reduction, restoring and/or enhancing balanced physical/mental/emotional living, affirmative living and clearing obstacles to connecting with the fullness of life. |
Energy Healing in OrlandoWhat does Georgiana do? I assist people with feeling safe and connected to self, in the body, which supports connection with others and the Divine Expression of all things.
What does Fascial Energy Bodywork do? It supports a person's body (emotions, mental aspects, spiritual awareness, physical body) in moving towards balance, and as that happens, positive changes can occur. Relaxation, Improved Sleep Increase/Decrease Daily Energy Levels Anxiety, Headache, Pain Reduction Changing Habits / Beliefs with Energy Generational Healing ADHD support Pregnancy Energy Bodywork Joyful Postpartum Energy Bodywork Hormonal Energy Support including: Menopausal, PMS, and Fertility Family Support for Children:
Visit : Energy Healing for Animals for more info
Session Specials Visit <Appointments> for Current Specials Community Gratitude Want to enter for an opportunity to win a free session? Click Youtube Channel or Facebook for videos showing easy techniques to support your well-being, including Family Friday videos for family heath, unity and fun. These techniques and practices support the needs and desires arising in so many, to benefit our lives in simple, natural, profound ways to awaken and contribute to our self care, healing and advancement as conscious beings, to embrace life through an open and allowing process of healing our soul. |